Coffee milk. Now this is good stuff. I’d never seen or heard of it until we moved here to Pawtucket. It being a cold winter night, I decided to try HOT coffee milk. Wow. Even better. It reminds me of Denny’s grand slam pancake breakfasts and the diner coffee you wash it down with. So good! East Coasters can find this stuff everywhere I’m sure so for those of you who can’t, here’s a link to order some… Autocrat Coffee Syrup.
In other news… you can see I’ve revamped the blog with a 3 column layout so I could add some special features that I wanted to display permanently.
The First new feature is Video of the Week. The current video is of one of my book arts pieces I created a while back. I’ll be posting original videos as well as others I find on youtube or wherever that catch my interest.
Second, I’ve added Twitter updates. I actually added this a few days ago. This a fun little “program” of sorts that is also available on Facebook as an application there.
Third, I’ve added an email subscription option for the blog for those of you who might want something to non-work related to read when you check your emails in the morning. The email subcription will contain the same content as the blog except for any embedded videos. There will be a link provided instead.
That’s about it for now. I’m going to sign off in a few and read some more of Stephen King’s From a Buick 8. More on that one later.