Fall is here so Keri and I are getting ready for the colder temps ahead. That means digging up our pepper plants down at the garden to overwinter them inside the apartment. We didn’t dig them up today but rather went down to see what we had and to get our mini-greenhouse out of storage. We’ll be using that in our back (front) stairwell during the colder months.
The growing season isn’t quite over yet. I still have tomato on the vine, tons of chard, tomatillos, and peppers, and even some pineapple tomatillos. I don’t remember planting these at all but they are delicious. They taste just like pineapple DumDum lollipops and texture of a grape. My little plant only puts out a handful (see the photo above) of these at a time so they’re really only good for a quick snack.
We’re growing luffah again this year. They should be ready to harvest in November if they grow large enough. This time we plan to let them dry out on the vine if we can. While checking out the luffah I noticed a bunch of people getting ready to play a game in to the soccer field next to the garden. At first I thought it was going to be a soccer game but then I recognized the Quidditch posts in the field. Wizards! Muggles? It turns out that it was 3 different Quidditch teams including the Providence Ashwinders were playing. Each taking turns playing the other for a total of 6 games. How fun! Pics below:
After our trip to the garden Keri and I went to Malachi’s for coffee. I’ve been getting back into writing poetry on a somewhat daily basis and have been working on a series of poems written in situ stream-of-consciousness style with little to no editing afterwards. I haven’t decided on how many I will do for this series but I’m up to 15 poems in it so far. I’m following Ginsberg’s “First Thought, Best Thought” method as a way of silencing my inner writing critic. It’s hard but I’m powering through.
I’ve written a handful of other poems but they go through tons of editing and rewrites so those will get added to one of the other series I’m working on. On that note, I have finally put my Del Monte Blues and Other Poems book together after 20 some years of procrastinating. I’ve kept some core poems, rewrote a few, and tossed tons to make one slim 8 poem chapbook. I’ll be selling it (cheap!) in e-book form soon and will have printed chapbook sized versions as well. The printed version will be a limited print run and I’ll most likely be giving them out for free or leaving around town in various coffeehouses and little free libraries. Here’s the cover: