It’s been busy around here with several new web clients and winter finally ending. Spring cleaning time! In another week or so I plan to rip down all the plastic covering the windows and air this place out! Borba will be here in about 2 weeks for his long awaited visit. Woo! It’s going to be great!
This morning Keri and I went north to the bike trail in Blackstone River Valley with our new friends Megan and Murray ( the same two artist/filmmakers we helped out a couple months ago) and the four of us went for a day hike around the area. Absolutely beautiful even though the trees are still bare and there was a chill in the air. I did see for the first time in almost 20 years some wild onions growing along the path. Childhood came roaring back from memory. Ah! We had a great time visiting with them and will have them over when John is here. Lost maybe? They’re big fans too. They’re heading to Finland next month for the summer where they will be working on a couple art residencies/installations. While they’re gone we’ll be watching their cat, Stella, for them.
Right now, in true procrastinator fashion, we are doing our taxes. I’ve finished mine even tho I don’t have to file. Hopefully, I’ll get that rebate. Heh. We shall see.
On that note… back to work.