…in myself. Shame on me for not updating my journal!!!!!!!!!! gah. Not only this journal but my paper one as well. And I call myself a writer….
Not only that but I’ve neglected my emailing! Jeez louise. Sorry to all! I’ve no real excuses.
I sit here tonight happy otherwise. Listening to Indigo Girls. An mp3 disc Keri burned. Keri’s working on her paper journal as I type.
Life is good. Life is grand. This sunday I’ll be out on cannery row with Steven, sculpting a 1.5 times life size bust of John Steinbeck during the Pepsi Cannery Row Block Party. Should be a blast. I’ve been learning so much working with Steven. We get along great.
Let’s see… Keri and I are planning to go to SF on Tuesday to MOMA to see the new exhibit of African American art on display. I’m sure we’ll head off to chinatown for noodles and fortune cookies and eggrolls afterwards. It’ll be good to get out of town even if only for a day.
Looks like our hoped for trip up to Spokane/Seattle will be postponed for a bit. Neither of us have the money for a trip of that magnitude. Speaking of trips… in fall of 2005 we plan to head overseas to Ghana where my old friend Dave is now living. Tentative plan is to stay for a year and live the adventure of the third world.
Keri and I have been practicing sign language daily. We’re both getting pretty good at it. All we need to do really is build up our vocabularies and learn the ASL grammar.
Hmm…what else? I just did an illustration today that might be used on a t-shirt for the Monterey Rock and Art Festival coming up this July.
Anyway… that’s about it for now.