If you haven’t seen The Secret yet then you are missing out. I’ve seen it at least 20 times already. If you have seen it and don’t “get” it, I urge you to open your mind to what the message is. Ignore some of the campiness of the film and try out what it’s all about. Thoughts become things. It really truly does work. If you don’t believe me then try it for yourself.
In my own experience, this does work. Keri and I decided over a year ago that we needed to move away from Monterey. We didn’t know where we’d go or how we’d get there. All we knew was we wanted to have something new. So we set that idea out there and sure enough the opportunities came in. The first was the craigslist ad for the apartment we now live in here in Rhode Island. I found this place and knew immediately that it was the apartment. Within a week or so it was ours. At that point it was all about packing up and moving. Now it’s been over 6 months since the move and we’re still living the Secret. As I’ve paraphrased before, “Thoughts become things.”
Sometimes it’s hard and you just don’t think things are possible. Well, you know life is hard sometimes but in the end it always works out. Just keep your eye on the prize, as they say, and all will work out fine.
Check out the Secret and change your life.