We hosted Soupy Sunday once again and everyone had a blast! Good company combined with puppet shows, live music, and soup makes for a great time. The first Soupy Sunday soup was totally random with everyone bringing at least one ingredient for the soup. This time around we decided on sticking more or less to one of our favorite recipes. (more…)
Tag: Music
A few days ago Keri and I had an idea inspired by our friend Melissa. She had told Keri about her college days and how on Sundays she and her friends would gather together to make soup and while the soup cooked they would perform a play. What a cool thing to do! We just had to do something like that. And so, Soupy Sunday was born.
What we did was have each person attending the party bring one ingredient to add to the soup. It didn’t take long for our huge cast iron Jambalaya pot to fill up. So many ingredients, in fact, that we had to start a second (non-vegetarian) soup in our cast iron wok. While the soup cooked and Keri’s bread baked in the oven a bunch of us formed an impromptu jug band in the living room. The sounds of spoons, conga, steel drum, guitars, and castenets filled the air. Ah! Fun!
The soup turned out to be delicious even though we didn’t follow a set recipe. The two soups both had a vegetarian base made with sauteed onion and garlic, tomato, herbs, dandelion and other greens, macaroni, celery, and cauliflower. The vegetarian one had vegan “Italian sausage” added to it and the non-vegetarian had chicken and hot peppers. I had the vegetarian, of course. Click on the pictures below to see the larger version.
The vegetarian Soupy Sunday soup.
The vegetarian Soupy Sunday soup.
The vegetarian Soupy Sunday soup. I’d like to thank everyone again for coming and for the clean up help. Much appreciated! Keri and I plan to host another one soon and the soup will most likely be our famous taco soup. Yum!
Last night Keri and I went to see Andrew Bird perform at Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel in downtown Providence. The videos here were taken by various people in the audience and I snagged them off youtube for your viewing pleasure! The concert was awesome. *note for facebook readers* If you can’t see the videos then visit the blog here.