… are the mad ones. And I’ve found a mad gone gal. Keri doll. We met at a supermarket in California. Actually thru yahoo but met in person at Safeway 13 days ago when she invited me out for drinks at the Duck. An instant connection. It’s as if we’ve known each other for years and have been together as long.
At the Duck, we traded journals and sketchbooks and shot the breeze with black and tans and cranberry vodkas until well after 1 a.m. when we took the conversation back to Snug Harbor for a bowl. The conversation has yet to end. Even now, with her in the other room, I can hear her.
The only night we’ve spent apart was New Year’s. We both had made other plans prior to meeting. Her date flaked which really was no matter now that she’s with me. Each night spent like teenagers up until dawn in each other’s arms.
Keri’s from Spokane of all places. I wonder if Randy has seen her around town. I wouldn’t be surprised. Over the summer she had an epiphany and sold most of what she owned, packed up her volvo, and hit the road to Monterey with the intent on eventually moving on to New Orleans. To quote Lennon, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Keri is here to stay for a while and at some point when I’ve put in a good amount of time with Steven at the studio and Dad’s got the gallery up and running, we’ll take off to wherever life takes us. England?
Keri blows my mind. Seriously. I don’t know any other high school dropouts with TWO art degrees. First woman I’ve ever met who knows her way around a hardware store too. Ha ha.
Tag: Love
I actually just posted a yahoo personal ad just to see what would happen. I’m telling you the single life sucks. I don’t mind being on my own but damn it does get lonely here at night.
I had a dream last night where I met some girl and we hit it off and it was like being a couple again. No sex in the dream at all. Just hugging and kissing. ah damn I miss it.