I‘ve been so busy lately building websites for others that I’ve been neglecting my own. So I thought I’d spend the day restyling my site and updating some of the content and layout. The biggest change is the site name and address. As most of you know, SummerChilde is my real middle name and since I’ve had the domain name for a while I decided to make it my primary for the site. No need to update bookmarks or anything since I still have justinslewis.com pointing here as well.
For a while now, I’ve been wanting to focus the site toward the creative projects that I’m working on and things I find online and in the world that get me inspired to create. On SummerChilde.com I’ll primarily be posting how-to articles about paper journaling and book arts as well as selected poems and essays of I’ve written. For more personal posts I’ll be using Facebook, Twitter, and my paper journal. I’ll also be contributing to the Soupy Sunday blog and the web design blog at Keri Marion Design.