when thinking when speaking when listening when moving when accepting when acting when loving when hating when disagreeing when being when knowing when anything we're always changing
Category: Typewriter Poetry Diary
a fog rolled in with its misty grey memories of a cypress-lined shore the bark of the lions screech of the gulls the slow knock of the mooring against the hull of my old home I spent many days there listening to cassettes on the old car radio that Grandfather mounted up in the corner of the galley I spent many nights there reading by kerosene light as the tapes wore thin, a suitable stand-in of camaraderie, wondering what future held while watching that fog as it rolled in well, the future is here and I'm still listening to the songs and sounds that reach out from the past to shine their light and dispel the grey
with no time to worry, take the ins and outs, the ups and downs, because you'll never know what kind of life you can get into unless you get out of your element and abide
*inspired by viewing of 25th anniversary show of The Big Lebowski