12/10/2005 "As The Crow Flies"

I‘m at Dad’s gallery again. Only a couple people have come in and no sales. Keri is at Plumes. She got the laptop to work and Plumes has free wireless. I’ve been thinking about my writing since she said Gpop came in. I told her that he is such a great writer. She said that mine is just as good and “if not, it certainly can be.” I’ver never completely abandoned the dream of writing but I sure have neglected it. I’ll never get anywhere if I don’t at least try. Everything that Keri and I have accomplished has only been possible because we TRIED. We went for it.

Less than an hour to go here then I head to the studio. Work to do. Today I will write. Carlos! I saw him earlier perched on one leg atop a sign on Lighthouse Ave just a few feet away. He followed me with his eyes.


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